Do you like to watch horror movie, or are you reading Ann Rice novels or do you owned Tamar Jalis's Bercakap Dengan Jin?..If the answer is yes, you should keep on reading..ewahh..I'm not that tough when it comes to supernatural thing but I just want to share some stories from Seberang Perak..ala-ala Urban Legend gitu..
As I was typing this, I heard a wierd sound from next door..I look back in curiosity..but as they said 'Jangan pandang belakang..' so I just keep writing this..
So back to Seberang Perak where the garbage bin is located, it was told that it was among the spookiest place back in the 70's, there was a big tree by the roadside that make a different sound at different time and create a different shadow..not because the tree could move or something like that, but they said that 'something' was staying there. Every night villagers have to passed by that haunting tree from Seberang Perak Flat to the madrasah or nearby village, for those who are brave enough would just walked by like normal..but for those faint hearted, they sure try not to look at the tree and some would walk quickly or even run...I know how it feels and I could imagine how it looks like at night especially with no street lighting. They depends on the moon to light up that area, and at night with a tree that big and the cold windy's easier to feel or thought that we feel the presence of these mom told me that sometimes people saw a something behind that tree..but she's a tough and brave lady, she's willing to see anything compared to her daughter who would run from my grandma's house which is just 10 steps from my house and while running we always scream 'bismillah...' might not know or feel the situation, but imagine a 6 or 8 meters dark path with banana and nipah trees next to you, and sometimes those nipah tree made all those strange noises, sometimes they were like clapping..oo ya I forgot to mention that there used to be so many big brown big, I think its 'burung gud gud' coz they sounds like that..
Back in the olden days, mini concert were quite famous and there was one time they held a that concert and the stage was built near my house, the famous song of that time was 'Pontianak Jibam jibam'...what a nice name
So, you think it's not spooky at all..thats all right, this is not even an urban legend..but its true story