I was there during the upgrading works but since they complete the job, I never set foot yet.
Normally in other urban area, public space like this are fully utilised and people know how to appreciate them. I'm not sure about this one because from observation spaces along the river bank are only occuppied by mat gam and such..what a waste of space and money.
View towards an old building..there was a surreal feeling ..or a dejavu..coz I feel like I was somewhere Harpers building and Hereen House in Malacca..if you are familiar with this old town, you might get what I mean.
assalamualaikum, mohon akak upload picture gambaq kenangan/lama aloq setaq di group page kami http://www.facebook.com/groups/114489835253451
byk gambaq lama disitu...
terima kasih
dah tgk fb tu..are u sharaqib..?
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