Brought hubby to Poliklinik Hidayah and stopped by to get some bread and mineral water at this store where they have been here for more than thirty years now, still going and getting bigger with new sotre opposite the road. When I was in school, this is the place to buy 20 sen stamps when going to the Post Office was a tiring task :-) This shop is biger than it used to be, but the ambience is still the same.
It was like highlight of the week whenever we came back from Pekan and stop by for some ais kacang and mee goreng, sitting on a laminated chair with the environment that brought back the era of P.Ramlee's movies...
Back then when beca Pak Harun passed by this area, we will feel the mist from this high tower..The road is smaller and no divider, cars are not many as now but it always congested at the start of the bridge.. Making a turn to Jalan Seberang Perak was a tough one for me either on beca or bus (of coz as a passenger) where the road is only one lane for each way and no proper turning radius...
terima kasih mention nama kedai pak mid
-cucu pak mid-
salam..sue ni anak abg rashid ngan kak norma ka?
Just to inform you that Pak Mid had passed away on 24 October 2016 at the age of 87.
Thank you for appreciating him.
Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu wa'afihi wa'fu'anhu
His daughter
Thank you for mention name of pak mid restaurant
-Grandchild Haikal-
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