I spent most of my childhood time at my grandma's house which is just next door, I call her 'mak' and my mom as 'mama'..Nek was still alive when I was in primary school, she left us at almost 100 years old with small build and skinny and grey eyes due to age and poor eye sight, I still remember her wrinkle skin and her grey hair, how she sit on timber floor in a small room with fixed louvered timber window overlooking the river
Nek died sometime in the 90's when I was in primary school, I did not feel sad the moment I heard about it..it only made an impact few months later and now it still is..especially when the tree is no longer in the compound....but I could draw it anytime, I remember the spot where I plucked the money plant...miss her....
Nek is Mak's mother, Mak is a single mother who is tough and strong..I don't know much about it, it was not an issue back then...this is the house where she lives forever...until now
There is a door on the left of this picture, and there was a timber staircase facing the river, most of this house was made of timber and attap roofing, sometime Mak weaved these attap and I watched her doing it closedly and sometimes I got a chance to try it...
Rumah Mak is a typical traditional house with rumah ibu, beranda, separation of private space and semi private and well ventilated. My uncle ,Arwah Pak Teh used to have a built in 'tabung' which was covered with plywood on his bedroom wall..
There were line of pokok puding along the house and one lime tree..everytime the image flashed, I will remember Nyonya Eng's house, and with that will come this song..'nyonya bangun pagi, siram pokok bunga'....
Salam..Amat nostalgic entry ni...teruskan menulis.
p/s saya sekarang bertugas di Ibu Pejabat Kastam Putrajaya...
Salam En Azmi..memang nostalgia, these are the small things that i remember about them..
ohh dekat sini la...jemput mai rumah bila2..
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